about 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
about 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
From Lagunitas School District: Please be extra attentive to what your children are viewing on social media- particularly TicTok. A highly disturbing violent video is circulating among kids (especially middle and high schoolers) and it is important for adults to be aware of this. Please check your e-mail for details and links for support. A I can’t stress strongly enough how harmful the video in question is and how important it is for all of us to do our best to prevent our children from seeing it. I am sorry to have to share this unfortunate warning. Preste especial atención a lo que sus hijos ven en las redes sociales, especialmente TicTok. Un video violento muy perturbador está circulando entre los niños (especialmente los de secundaria y preparatoria) y es importante que los adultos estén al tanto de esto. Por favor revise su correo electrónico para más detalles. R No puedo enfatizar lo suficiente lo dañino que es el video en cuestión y lo importante que es para todos nosotros hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para evitar que nuestros hijos lo vean. Lamento tener que compartir esta desafortunada advertencia.
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
From Lagunitas School District: The covered hallway in the Montessori wing will be closed to foot traffic next week and possibly into the following week. The area will be marked with caution tape and signs from Monday, August 31- Tuesday, September 8. Please use the north-facing doors (black top side) to access rooms 4-10 until the project is complete.
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Lagunitas School Board will have their next regular Board Meeting on Thursday, August 20 at 4 pm via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83207398784?pwd=bm5xT0tQZUhPSGUydkloUHBIRGpBZz09 Meeting ID: 832 0739 8784 Passcode: yRx9a2
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
FROM LAGUNITAS SCHOOL DISTRICT: PG& E has announced rolling power outages that will effect parts of Marin County for the duration of the heatwave- likely through Thursday. Outages will not be county-wide and are scheduled to occur between 2:00PM and 11:00PM. Updates to follow.
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Important preliminary decision about the start of school: http://lagunitasca.apptegy.us/article/276976?org=lagunitas-school-district
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
LSD sign
Special Meeting of the Lagunitas School Board will be on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 2 pm. Click on the link for details: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/329347/Board_Agenda_and_Packet_for_July_23__2020_-_Special_Board_Meeting.pdf
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Lagunitas School District - School Re-opening Information & MCOE Press Release: https://www.lagunitas.org/article/272559?org=lagunitas-school-district
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Lagunitas School District: Re-Opening considerations as the Task Force meets this week: http://lagunitasca.apptegy.us/article/264790?org=lagunitas-school-district
over 4 years ago, John Carroll
Lagunitas School District Re-Opening Task Force Commiittee Meeting is TOMORROW at 10:00 AM via Zoom. Click link to be taken to the Agenda that includes the Zoom link details: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/759379/Lagunitas_Task_Force_Agenda_6_19_20.pdf
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: School re-opening guidance: http://lagunitasca.apptegy.us/article/261901?org=lagunitas-school-district
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
COVID-19 School Closure Update June 9, 2020 The County School Superintendents Group and other school leaders met today with Dr. Lisa Santora and Dr. Matt Willis of the Marin County Deputy Public Health Officer and discussed some important new developments in the state and county’s response to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. • We expect to have clear information on student cohort recommendations and school openings around June 15, slightly earlier than originally predicted. • Local school district leaders continue to advocate for the largest possible safe student cohorts when schools re-open but are preparing for a variety of restrictions. We hope to see sizes at or very close to what would be normal if school were in session. • We expect that significant sanitization/ safety measures will be mandated. We are taking steps to upgrade facilities and purchase necessary supplies. • We learned today that specialist teachers will be allowed to interact with student cohorts… that a cohort won’t necessarily be limited to one adult per group. • The district is convening a re-opening task force to ensure community participation and buy-in when the plan when it is finalized. • We are developing a parent survey that will be given within the next few days to assess attitudes and plans families have related to re-opening.
over 4 years ago, John Carroll
School Re-Opening Task Force is looking for members. Earlier today the Lagunitas School Board discussed forming a committee to make recommendations for re-opening school when have more information from the health department. Please e-mail Liz Wickersham lwickersham@lagunitas.org if you are interested in participating. Contact John Carroll jcarroll@lagunitas.org if you have questions.
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Please take the US Census! West Marin has one of the lowest response rates in the region and without your participation, schools and other government agencies risk losing funding. It's also important for ensuring that California is represented fairly in Washington DC. Here is a link: https://2020census.gov Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
Update after Health Department/ Superintendents' Conference Call: http://lagunitasca.apptegy.us/article/253565?org=lagunitas-school-district
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District
THANKS TO OUR AMAZING CLASSIFIED STAFF! see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZfNrsmjVuA&t=3s
over 4 years ago, Lagunitas School District